Email me with comments on what you see here...I dont like guestbooks, so maybe this will work instead! I know that I do have a guestbook on this page...some people prefer them to emailing please feel free to do either! Email me with anything you want to see, pictures or poems about certain things. I'll try my best to put up here what you want. Even if you would like to give me advice or comments on things I have already written, I'm game for improvement in any way possible. I check email constantly, so I could even write you back personally if you wish.
Here I'm just going to say thank you for taking the time to see what I have here. Hopefully you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing. If I brought a smile, a tear, or stirred something inside of you, I feel that my job is done as a poet. Thanks again. Luv Always Railey Hope
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