Sitting here in the middle of nature
Her mind wanders
Her thoughts drift
He heart mourns
She wondered how she missed it
The meaning of life
Her thoughts drift to the future
Of what it could possibly hold
Her heart mourns
For everything it failed to realize
And now while listening to the silence
She slowly closes her eyes
Her feet start to move
Not knowing where is going
She trusts instinct
When she opens her eyes
She is engulfed by trees
Not seeing the trail so familiar
She stops, closes her eyes once more
Unknowing of what is to come next
She waits
The wheels of conscious begin to turn
And she realizes
What she was waiting for her whole life
Was waiting for her
The love she never thought shed find
Had found her
Far from the familiar trail
Her love, her meaning, was standing
As she opens her eyes once more
She recognizes who it is
She see the soft, gentle smile
The forgiving eyes
The tender arms
She walks towards him
And suddenly everything is clear
Everything becomes comfortable
It feels like home
Only its no home shed ever known
Her heart no longer mourns
Her thoughts return to her
And her mind no longer wanders
And all of this
Because her love had found her